What was Chobi Meta and What Happens Next

Eighteen years is a long time, measured by tectonic changes in what is expected, accepted, or challenged in photography. Steve McCurry’s “Afghan girl” (1984) might still be taken today, but the audience would immediately raise questions of exotification and instrumentalisation. The subject of the western gaze is no longer “willing,” and is shooting back, with… Read More »What was Chobi Meta and What Happens Next


OPEN CALL: New Waves of Documentary, Practice as Research

A collaboration between Pathshala South Asian Media Institute and the VII Academy. A nine month mentorship program by the VII Academy and Pathshala South Asia Media Institute for emerging photographers from the region of South Asia. Research plays a critical role in photographic practice and is especially important while doing personal, intimate, and investigative works.… Read More »OPEN CALL: New Waves of Documentary, Practice as Research


Chobi Mela [0]: Artist Talk

Announcing Chobi Mela Artist Talk:  Aishwayra Arumbakkam (India) Bunu Dhungana (Nepal) Nida Mehboob (Pakistan)  Moderated by Sarker Protick Date: 15/02/21 Time: 05:00 p.m. BST Zoom Invitation – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86572569294?pwd=T1RnQmtyOVVDcjF0MlNjK3h0aFJnZz09Meeting ID: 865 7256 9294Passcode: 407091


No to Harassment!

The Zero edition of Chobi Mela is committed to operating as a safe space which is inclusive and supportive in which no forms of discrimination are tolerated. Core principles which its initiators, Drik and Pathshala abide by, involves creating a respectful and fear-free environment for people of all genders, race, class, religion, ethnicity and sexuality.… Read More »No to Harassment!


Secretariat update- Chobi Mela 2021

We are delighted to announce that Chobi Mela will mount a special edition, “Shunno”, to create a space for artists, thinkers, healers, activists, and visionaries in self-reflective, experimental processes; to assemble and disassemble, to navigate a web of communities, relationships, and collaborations. Chobi Mela Shunno / শূন্য12-21 February 2021 This year Chobi Mela Shunno / শূন্য /… Read More »Secretariat update- Chobi Mela 2021


Introduction-secretariat update

Chobi Mela, Asia’s largest celebration of photography and visual storytelling brought to you by Drik Picture Library Ltd. and Pathshala South Asian Media Institute, is back for the 8th time, and is bigger than ever as it plans to saturate Dhaka, Bangladesh for two weeks with stories untold and unseen, stories that stir nostalgia, stories that titillate, and stories… Read More »Introduction-secretariat update


The most celebrated photo event in Asia gears up for another extravaganza

It is always tough living up to the Chobi Mela hype, but CMVIII promises to be our finest yet. Starting on the 23rd January 2015, this action packed fortnight long festival has again some of the finest work from every continent. 32 print shows and a video projection spread across the six galleries in Bangladesh… Read More »The most celebrated photo event in Asia gears up for another extravaganza


Shaping a vision with swapan parekh

Swapan Parekh, son of the legendary photojournalist Kishor Parekh is one of the seminal visionaries of Contemporary Indian Photography who has introduced the documentary aesthetic to Indian advertising photography. His work conveys spontaneity; even in controlled environments; opening new avenues to contemporary photography which he describes as “celebration of the ordinary”.


Faring fair ferry

I probably saw the news first on some daily. Then, one evening, a friend and I started from home and crossed the water tank to look for the Kalpana Boarding at Shakhari Bazaar. It took almost no time to find it. I can still remember what a strange experience it was. We were all walled- enclosed under an… Read More »Faring fair ferry


Cristina nuñez brings the self-portrait experience® to Dhaka

This Chobi Mela, Cristina Nuñez, Spanish artist-photographer-researcher, brings her exemplary work and philosophy to Bangladesh. Internationally acclaimed and extensively researched upon in various academic spheres, Nuñez’s work has largely explored the ‘Self’. She had initially taught herself to use photography in communicating her most overwhelming, violent, repressed and intimate emotions whilst trying to cope with… Read More »Cristina nuñez brings the self-portrait experience® to Dhaka


What i’ll never forget

13 January 2001 was my walima (wedding reception). The night before the walima, sometime around eleven o’ clock, suddenly my phone rang.   A friend of mine on the other side said, “Come to Drik”. I was surprised to hear that “1971 The War We Forgot”- the exhibition- had been shifted to Drik from the National Museum. My beautiful wife asked, “Where are you going? Why… Read More »What i’ll never forget


Bridging mediums: conversation between an architect and a photographer

Each Chobi Mela offers another reason to further explore the realms of photography and to define new heights for the festival itself. When a tag like ‘Asia’s largest international festival of photography’ or ‘the world’s most demographically inclusive festival’ bestows itself upon Chobi Mela, it only heightens the world’s expectations of us. To live up to… Read More »Bridging mediums: conversation between an architect and a photographer


In the curators’ den

Chobi Mela VIII will bring together the work of more than 30 artists from around the world this January, and of course, these shows don’t just put themselves up. For the past 10 months, the curatorial team of Chobi Mela VIII has been sweating day in-day out, trying to install these shows across 11 venues… Read More »In the curators’ den


Shirin neshat: a soulful nomad in search of a home

It is difficult to write about someone whose work you love so much and question endlessly.  Individuals like Shirin Neshat, Nan Goldin and Marina Abramovic steal your heart and soul, stretch your limit of core, and leave you empty – awestruck. They create magic, a poetry with their fragility and make you submit; make you… Read More »Shirin neshat: a soulful nomad in search of a home


An ever-widening gyre

When asked why I had come to Dhaka for Chobi Mela VIII, the only answer I could give was that my curiosity had gotten the better of me. As a human rights specialist, the strong, socially-engaged photography coming out of Bangladesh had captured my attention in recent years. Indeed, at a certain moment, it suddenly… Read More »An ever-widening gyre


Pushing the boundaries of the image with “Chobi mela fellows”

“Transition” is a fitting theme for the upcoming edition of Chobi Mela, one that aligns with the evolution of Bangladesh’s art scene as a whole. Photography in the country has enacted a momentous evolution in recent years from a medium mainly oriented towards documentation to a much broader endeavour. The festival’s past edition was pivotal… Read More »Pushing the boundaries of the image with “Chobi mela fellows”


The archivist and the editor

Archiving and editing are perhaps the two least glamorous activities in the life cycle of a photographer’s work. And yet without these two (and much of the time  we havebeen without these on the subcontinent) works are lost to us much earlier than is necessary. They often also lose their power; without a great edit,… Read More »The archivist and the editor


Chobi mela X fellows to explore the homogeneity and dissonance of parallel expansion

The concept of the parallel universe is fascinating. The fellows of this year’s Chobi Mela are set to constitute a reality that may or may not be a reflection of their current state. The site- specific projects touch base with the spirit, consciousness of the Homo sapiens and investigate the theme Place. While the fellow… Read More »Chobi mela X fellows to explore the homogeneity and dissonance of parallel expansion


সুজান ম্যাইসিলাস ও নিকারাগুয়া

১. সাউথ ভার্জিনিয়া থেকে নিউইয়র্ক। ৪৪ ইরভিং স্ট্রী থেকে মট স্ট্রীট। এমনি বেড়ে ওঠার নানা জায়গায় কাজের ছাপ রেখেছেন তিনি। ছোট্ট ইটালী নামে পরিচিত মট স্ট্রীটের পাড়ায় আছেন ১৯৭৪ সাল থেকে। ইমিগ্রেন্ট ইটালীবাসিদের আস্তানা নিউইয়র্কের ম্যানহেটেন ডাউন টাউনের মটস্ট্রীটের বেসমেন্টেই এখন আলোকচিত্রী সুজান ম্যাসাইলাস এর স্টুডিও এপার্টমেন্ট। নিজের মতো মগ্ন হয়ে কাজ করেন, কাজ নিয়ে… Read More »সুজান ম্যাইসিলাস ও নিকারাগুয়া