Senses beyond vision: in conversation with Mahbubur rahman, guest curator of Chobimela VIII

Tanzim Wahab: Being the founding member of Britto Arts Trust, an alternate space for arts and experiments, you have worked with a hodgepodge of art forms and artists, even assuming different roles like being a curator at times and a visual artist at other times. But, whichever roles you have acquired, they consistently involved more than… Read More »Senses beyond vision: in conversation with Mahbubur rahman, guest curator of Chobimela VIII


Ordinary girl | in conversation with cristina nuñez

I put my Summer’s back in a letter And I hide it from the world All the regrets you can’t forget Are somehow pressed upon a picture In the face of such an ordinary girl -Counting Crows There is no denying that we live in the age of selfies. Whether we share these photographs with… Read More »Ordinary girl | in conversation with cristina nuñez